Yesterday was definitely a day of rest, but I wonder if it was more like taking the jello salad out of the mold and letting it sit at room temperature…which is to say, I basically sat around decomposing all day and this morning I felt like a puddle. After getting up late and walking Keely, I want back to bed for a couple of hours!
At least while we were out it was almost pleasant, mostly thanks to the humidity only clocking in at 80%! When the temp is 75°F, that makes all the difference.
I took us up through Los Robles since it would be far more shady than anywhere else by that time. There was one yard with a great planter full of interesting plants, but it was right up against the house, and this being America, a sure way to get yourself shot is to go wandering about a stranger’s front lawn. So, in lieu of that, let me share a drawing I made a few days ago (some of you have already seen it, sorry for the repeat!):
As I mentioned on Friday’s post, after watching the YT channel “Sketchbook Skool” I felt inspired to start a daily practice of drawing for FUN, and it has indeed been fun! Not shown: my many, many attempts at drawing faces. 😩 But that’s the point of practice, and I’m doing my best not to pressure myself about it! I’m also finding out which of my old pens are mostly dried up, woe!