Writing this late, as I am already at Domi Station for co-working with Gina! I was actually up in plenty of time to get ready and write this earlier, but made the critical error of sitting down with my coffee and starting to read a story. 😂
By the time Gina pinged me that she was on her way, I had finished the coffee and 2/3 of the story but not taken a shower, gathered up my things in my computer bag, or in any way prepared to leave!!!! I threw the dog a chew stick and dashed off for a quick shower and managed to pull myself together before she showed up.
However, before all of that, my morning was fairly peaceful. Keely and I got out a little before 7:00 am, so it was still dawn. Keely got on the scent of the fox again, which hasn’t happened in a while, but she was very antic about tracking it through bushes and around trees. While she investigated one such tree, I noticed this:
At the base of the tree is a formal memorial plaque for Joan Doxsee, who died on 11/7/1996. Sweet that she is remembered.