I have a rebounder that I bought a while back and has been hiding under my bed. In an attempt to strengthen my joints with as low-impact exercises as I can manage, I pulled it out of storage! I set it up at the entrance to my bedroom so I can’t ignore it, and do short bursts of rebounding on it throughout the day (whew! not as easy as you think!).
Keely has an opinion about it being in the doorway….
I love her judgmental expression! It took me a day of treats and coaxing to get her to go over it by herself on her way to and from the bedroom but at this moment I think she was expressing her thoughts about the whole thing very succinctly. 😂
In other Keely news, my friend and fellow author Ada Maria Soto suggested an idea to me the other day that I simple adore: a children’s book based on Keely and the Lake Ella Fox!!!! How awesome would that be? I have no idea how to do a children’s book, but no better time to learn, I guess! Would you buy it?????
Of course I’m not sure about the plot, but I’d want it to be something with an ecological theme. Gonna mull on that for a while.