1 Million Words Club Launch on the 15th!

by | Jan 12, 2024 | Life and all That

Just a quick update to let you know! It’s happening! It’s really happening!

This has been years in the making, in the sense that I had the bare bones idea for this community wayyyy back in pre-pandemic times. But finally, the 1 Million Words Club is becoming a reality!!!

Me and my co-mods and Lydia have been kicking the tires on this baby (aka discord server), fine tuning the rules and guidelines, and making long term plans for members. Here is a sample of what will be available for members:

a screen grab of the discord server channels for 1MWC, including the accountability and writing categories of channels. Also pet tax channel!!!!

I am, of course, MOST excited for the pet tax channel! I want pix of all your fur-family!

But the rest of it is good too, I suppose. 😉

To start, co-writing sessions will be hosted exclusively by me twice a week. As membership grows, that number will go up until we’re at the point of doing a co-writing session every day.

Sign up here on House of York to get insta-notification of the launch!

The first 25 people to join get lifetime membership of only $5.99 a month!

After that, general membership will be only $9.99 a month, which for all of this is a real deal IMHO. Many people are offering far less for far more.

If you’d like to know more about why I am starting this and why you should join, I wrote a whole introduction here on the Scriptorium!

Thank you for reading KimBoo’s Scriptorium 🐉 House of York. This post is public so feel free to share and spread the news!
