October! At last we’ve reached the double-digits months run, and I am so happy. I know a lot of people love summer but I’m not one of them, so I am glorying in this almost-fall weather. It was 58°F out this morning! The humidity was still over 80% so it was not as great as it could have been, but far better than the months of 80°F mornings. Keely was also stoked and did not want to return home, even for food!
I do love the sunlight during this time of year, too:
This has been our weather throughout the threat of Hurricane Ian; it turned east long before it could impact the panhandle, so we are all feeling very guilty about enjoying such delightful weather. The good news is that most of my friends who live in the hurricane’s path were not too badly affected. There was some damage here and there but people are healthy and out cleaning up their yards as I type this.
Not everyone was so lucky, and my heart breaks for those who are dealing with the devastation.
In retrospect, I think the spectre of the hurricane triggered me a bit; I joke a lot about Hurricane Charlie (’04) but it was a terrifying experience, and absolutely devastating for me. It led to my move to Tallahassee in ’05 and a lot of life changes. Mostly for the better, I think, but the process was traumatic and I don’t acknowledge that often. This past week I’ve dealt with a lot of fugue states and anxiety, despite the gorgeous weather her in Tally. Brains…why?!??!?!