dawn at Lake Ella

10/21/2020 – Wednesday

Busy day ahead of me. I was chosen for random testing at work, which FSU is doing for all staff and faculty, so I set my appointment for this morning. Since testing is being done at the Civic Center, where there is also early voting, I will be dropping off my completed ballot there as well. Productivity FTW!

I just hope I don’t get rained on. Walking Keely this morning I saw a lot of clouds, and it was also fairly windy, but I did not smell storm weather so *crosses fingers*

Keely was a little slow off the start which is not surprising as she got her heartworm medicine last night, and it always makes her a bit lethargic for a little while. She wandered around and seemed to enjoy mostly facing into the wind to catch whatever smells hit her in the face. Ah, a dog’s life!

The E. Redbud trees I wrote about in an earlier post are not doing great. I watered them again but the leaves are turning brownish, so who knows. We might end up with three dried sticks sticking up out of the ground, at this rate. Well. I tried????

I’m so glad I have my dog right now, in this pandemic, during this election cycle. She’s forcing me out of the house to walk around and feel human again. With stress and anxiety all within and without, it’s easy to just sink into a myopic depressed state, but sometimes it’s enough to take the dog for a walk and watch her just being happy and stubborn and adorable.