Suddenly it seems like 2022 flew by, even if at times I thought it would never end. Which, come to think of it, has been the status quo since March of 2020 so I don’t know why I expected different.
For me, the wild part is realizing that at this time a year ago, I was feverishly getting ready to quit my job at FSU. I had plans! Most of which did not go to plan, but eh, that’s how things roll. I knew I was taking a risk but the place had become toxic to my mental well-being. No shade to my colleagues, who are all wonderful people and were great to work with! But the environment of higher-ed at a state school…well lets just say I got a master’s degree in 2012 with the hopes of leaving the corporate rat-race, not to sell my soul to a facsimile of it. Turns out I was 30 years too late for that goal.
I suppose this time of year is a natural one for looking back over a lifetime of regrets, and whoooo boy, do I have a few. I can’t say I would have gotten a master’s if I had even tried in the late 90s, but sometimes I wonder about how different life would be for me now if I did. Pointless ponderings, I suppose, but I do wonder what I will think of 2022 years from now.
Anyway, this morning was dreary and chilly and damp (due to rain) so we got a late start. The Millennium Falcon flew by and I gotta say I’m not up to date on the latest SW shows but this sure is a heck of redesign… 😁😂