What I’m figuring out is that a three day weekend is nice but ultimately counterproductive for me. I spend Friday in a haze recovering from the day!job, Saturday dealing with everything I did not do during the “work week” (the dishes, I’m talking about the dishes *sobs*), and then Sunday feeling like myself again…just in time to get some things done before going back to this here day!job on Monday morning.
And here I am, on Monday, swamped by things at day!job that need doing before I leave. I have opinions about that but eh, can’t fault the brass for trying to squeeze me for whatever they can while they can.
So, it’s frustrating. Of course the GOOD news is that I have only nine days left until the start of my last day! I’m both excited and breathlessly anxious about it. As I should be, I guess.
Back to walking Keely: this photo was taken over the weekend outfront the car repair center across the street from Music Masters. It’s another old sign post (still in use, even!) with a…tree?…bush???…sentient alien eldritch limb??????…growing over and under and in some places through it:
You know me, I cannot resist an urban horror! Honestly I think it’s just gotten to the point where it is too entrenched to be yeeted, due to the fact that the shop it is in front of was unoccupied and unmaintained for a couple of years. Go you, little tree-bush-limb thing!!!!