dawn at Lake Ella

2/28/2022 – Monday (COUNTDOWN)

I think part of me is still in shock that I’m resigning from my job. Like. WHAT!?!?!?! 👀

Yet I am! And I think that, while it’s been a long time coming, it’s a decision that I could only make now. I finally have the pieces I need in place because I have been working for the last ten years to put them in place…sometimes doggedly, sometimes half-heartedly, but always pushing forward: my fiction writing, my websites, my online course ideas. All those mastermind meetings I participated in that felt a bit futile at the time were actually just the groundwork.

I wanted things to change quickly, but since they didn’t, I failed to see how they were changing relentlessly.

So here I am. My last, very final week “on the job” at FSU. The job I never wanted, the job I tried really hard to do well. I’ll be leaving a great, hardworking team of people and hopefully not leaving them too far in the lurch. I have a 50 page job manual that I’m leaving behind to the person who walks into this role after me. Maybe they won’t need it! But they will have it, and I feel good about that.

One thing I won’t miss is having to go into the office every day, or ride the bus every day. Not gonna miss that at all.

I will miss the Krishna lunches, though!

It was a nice quiet walk this morning as I reflected on all of this. The temperature was cool and Keely was, I think, picking up on the fox in a few places. The ducks are all aggressive and subjecting us to the trauma of duck-sex, which I did not miss at all. Ugh.

As for photos, nothing caught my eye, so today is RANDOM PHOTO DAY for y’all. Another “urban” shot, me trying for some semblance of “art.” I liked the composition, anyway…

utility phole