dawn at Lake Ella

3/1/2022 – Tuesday (countdown continues!)

As I write this, my countdown widget tells me it is 1 day, 21 hours, and 13 minutes to the start of my last day here at the OAS. Whew.

In other news, though, it is duckling season! I hope these early broods make it. I took this photo this morning, but the light was dim and the ducks’ camouflage working well, so you might have to squint, but there are baby ducks!


In fact, there were two broods that I saw, both fairly large. Last year broods were sparse and very small, so I hope this is a good sign…amidst all the chaos of our modern world, a little cuteness goes a long way.

Change, though, is a constant, and the latest change is the closing of the Mackenzie Kate Dancewear shop in the cottages. The sign is down and there was a moving crew taking out the furnishings. A quick online search turned up an out-of-date website and no facebook page, so I’m assuming they are out of business, but there is no way to know.

It’s sad but on the other hand, there are just some businesses that are not going to do well in the (still emerging!) internet world, and I think a dancewear boutique in a small city is one of them. Maybe in a large city they could get the volume from schools and dance clubs etc., but here? Not so much, when online retailers can absolutely undercut prices.

Honestly I think the location is great for a small restaurant, but eh, with Leon’s place opening soon and the coffee place still open, that might be too much. We’ll see.