This week has been unusually busy for me at the day!job, hence these posts happening so late and other stuff getting dropped. I’m…entirely uncertain why this week is being such a pain, especially in regards to technology, but nothing to do for it than muddle through.
In more interesting, or at least prettier, news: spring!
The bushes out front of my apartment building are budding wildly, and while this bodes ill for my sinuses, it is pretty.
Today has been non-stop with projects for me and I eventually folded and had a hamburger for lunch. That is not something I normally do, but I definitely deserved a little bit of joy! And that shows you how late this missive is, when you get a lunch update. *sigh*
I managed to get some dancing in this morning before walking the dog — she was sound asleep, so don’t worry about her — which is honestly my favorite time to dance. It’s a great way to wake up, I’ve found, and I’m just groggy enough not to be too fussed about technique which I don’t have anyway. It’s a short time of feeling the groove before my day starts, and I really love it.