dawn at Lake Ella

4/3/2023 – Monday

The time travelers are back at it:

"Reading this sign is strictly forbidden"  yard sign at Lake Ella

The was taken yesterday, and was gone this morning, so…message received?

This past weekend was a slow, lazy one for me. I’ve got so much to do but I needed to just unwind for a couple of days, honestly. I, like most everyone I know, am feeling very stressed out about *waves hands around*.

I do feel like I’m on precipice of great change, but will it be good, positive change? Terrible awful change? Both? I’m therefore enjoying the AI subreddits where everyone is predicting Judgement Day (from the Terminator movies) any second now. A bit overblown, but it is fascinating the level of misanthropy on display. Most doomer logic basically boils down to “humans are terrible and humans created AI so the Singularity/ASI will also be terrible and kill us all.” There is one guy in particular going on podcasts and basically breaking down in tears about how humanity is doomed and we have less than a year left (Yudowsky). Okay, I guess?

I’m not overly optimistic about the future, whether we get AI Overlords or not, but c’mon! I know many good people! I have seen and heard and touched amazing works of art! There are entire organizations all over the world devoted to improving people’s lives! For all the horrors of history, and there are many, there are also people who have stood up for justice and love.

Guess I’m not ready to give up on us yet! Time Travelers take note!!!