dawn at Lake Ella


This is coming in late because I sat down with my tea post-walk and immediately starting working on a fiction story I have buzzing around my head. Since I’ll take my wins where I can find them, I don’t even feel guilty!

It’s been like that today from the start: a little off beat and irregular. Both Keely and I slept in, and when we woke up she was actually snuggly for a few moments. She is not a snuggle-dog, preferring to sprawl over my legs occasionally but otherwise keeping to her own beds, so that was a surprise to wake up to.

Then we got out for the walk around 8 am and she…went a different direction! We usually cut through backways to get from 7th Ave. to Finnegan’s Wake plaza, but instead she turned east on 6th and walked us down to Gadsden, and from there south to Lafayette Park. I had to stop and take a photo of the greenery in a gully there, it was splendid.

There seems to be a bit more traffic than usual for a Saturday, and I’m noticing signs going up stating that some places are open but for limited hours. Liberty Bar has been bustling for a couple of days with staff coming and going and a quick check on fb shows that they are re-opening for take-out/pick up exclusively. I think this is a sign of the adjustments going on, businesses realizing they have to step up and find ways to stay open or close for good.

I’m of mixed feelings about it, and I don’t trust the numbers being released about the rates of covd19 related infections and deaths due to the abysmal testing rates. I don’t know what’s best (I might have thought I did, when I was 25, but at 50 I know better). The problem with crossing an unsafe bridge is that it is usually over dangerous waters. You can’t stay where you are but getting to the other side will require risk. The issue is figuring out which risk is greater and what, exactly, you are willing to risk.

Our government, run by organized crime and corrupt, greedy men, is ready to risk all of us to keep major corporations profitable. Owners of smaller businesses have to decide if they can risk their health and their employees to stay open, or shut down for good.

I, a single individual with one (1) dog, can only ride it all out.