dawn at Lake Ella

5/30/2022 – Monday

I took this photo over the weekend but, ugh, could not bring myself to share it. The Three Old Ladies are no more; only one remains:

tree stumps

It looks like the one on the left was rotted through, and the one on the right not much better off, so I understand removing them before hurricane season starts. They were truly old trees. But still, I am sad about it. *sigh*

Feeling like an old tree myself these days; have not done much writing at all this month but I have reasons for that, including finishing one book and working on edits for it. Still. I get antsy when I do not have fresh content zipping around in my brain.

Yet, in talking with…hmmm, most everybody?…we’re all suffering trauma brain these days. Some have health issues piled on top of that as well. So, we’re all running on fumes and trying to keep up with traffic (as good a metaphor as any, I suppose). Sometimes just keepin’ on keeping on is a triumph.

In other news, I updated my ko-fi; I really need a new camera and I just cannot justify the $$ for it, so I have temporarily changed the goal from paying off student loans to “buy a new camera.” I want a Canon M50 with at least one really good lens, and altogether that set up will run me approximately $1,000.00. It’s hardly an urgent need but it would be nice, anyway.