It’s hard to admit defeat, so I don’t. I expect defeat but I do not admit to it, when it comes. Blithely I move along, listing perhaps, but obstinate in my refusal to give up.
Such are my thoughts, coming back to this blog after abandoning it for a bit. Work got busy with start of term and my anxiety leveled up and the world *waves hands around to indicate everything* so yeah. As my friends say, I “turtled.”
Although my nick name since undergrad is “Cave Bear” so I suppose I…hibernated?
I am lucky to be able to do that in the first place, though, and sometimes that realization is what helps re-align my mind. This morning we got out for our walk about 5:30am — I’ve been pushing to get up earlier again, trying to fix my schedule and, hopefully, mindset — and was struck by the number of homeless people at the park.
There are always homeless people in Lake Ella park, don’t get me wrong. It seems that the number has increased, though, and as I wave good morning to the ones I know I think about the cries going up across this country to defund the police. I think about the $59 million dollars being spent on the cops here in Tallahassee, and relative pennies being spent on these people sleeping in the dank, humid weather in wet clothes.
I’ve seen the police hassle the homeless here a few times, but they mostly ignore them.
As we all do.
A society that invests so much in policing and so little in providing shelter to its most needy citizens is truly corrupt at heart.
But we cannot admit defeat to that. However distant our goals might be today, there is always tomorrow. Glad to be here for it.