dawn at Lake Ella

7/4/2021 – Sunday

Today is “Independence Day”, July 4th, in my country (USA). It is a holiday I was raised to be excited about, to be proud of, to enjoy without remorse. It’s ironic because my parents, who were very liberal, taught me early about the darker side of colonialism in regards to Thanksgiving Day celebrations, which originated and are often still celebrated as a day recognizing the absolutely vile Puritans who colonized and brutalized the area we call New England.

But “The 4th” is just as bad, honestly, and given the GOP’s slow but inexorable push to turn the USA into a fascist theocratic plutocracy, I’m not celebrating it anymore. It’s just another Sunday. Some people will be setting off fireworks to be obnoxious, but fortunately my dog isn’t bothered by that (unlike many other dogs, who will sadly live the entire day traumatized).

Here is my dog, who is a much better topic of conversation:

Kelly's face

Once again, she is displeased about being photographed and I wonder, a lot, what she thinks is happening. She’s a dog so I’m pretty sure she does not grasp the concept of “digital photography” on an intellectual level. She sees me using the phone all the time to do many things that are not photography, so how does she understand the difference? But she does! She absolutely knows when I’m trying to take her picture and her response is always a firm “NO.” Getting a candid photo of her is nearly impossible! It’s been years now that I keep trying!!!! *sobs*

She’s become so relaxed about so much else in life, but this remains something she is ever vigilant about. I can brush her tail (once a no-go zone) and I can give her bath without traumatizing both of us (she hates water, and hates being wet), she will bark at the mailperson when before she never barked at anything, and she plays with toys (she did not understand “toys” when I got her). But being photographed? OH HELL NO.

My weird little pupper. I love her so much.