dawn at Lake Ella

7/7/2022 – Thursday

Another soft start to the day — yesterday’s stint at co-working with Gina was great as always but also exhausting as always! However we made a lot of progress on my special super seekrit project, which bolstered my mood a lot.

Today is all about sweeping up bits and bobs (planning next Around the Writer’s Table podcast, following up on emails, doing some editing on things) which is a good place to be. Still lacking my writing mojo, which I’m pretty sure is related to, you know, ambient stress. *waves hands around*

Keely did NOT want to go to Lake Ella this morning, though. I have no idea what got into her! But she wasn’t having it. Took me up Thomasville Rd. to the Manor at Midtown, then 3rd Ave. to Monroe St. for a leisurely walk back home. Since it was already past 7:00 am, it was already warming up, and still damp from yesterday’s rains as well.

I took this photo on 3rd. Ave., it’s the wall of the old Masa restaurant which is now…I have no idea, the refurb was stalled and now the windows are covered in black film that is impossible to see through. Honestly from what I saw last time I could look into it, I thought they are going to put in an “internet café” (internet gambling house) but it remains dark. The strip mall is old, probably back to the 1970s if not older, and who knows how many layers of paint are actually on top of those poor bricks: