dawn at Lake Ella

7/3/2020 – Friday

Today is technically a “work holiday” as tomorrow is the 4th of July, unironically celebrated in the USA as “Independence Day” as that was the date the then-Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, severing ties with Britain in order to continue genocidal colonialism without that pesky “taxation w/out representation” thing. ¯_ (ツ)_/¯

I have not purposely celebrated this holiday in decades, for a lot of reasons, some personal and some political. But it does get me a day off from logging into work so I’m grateful for that much, I guess. Now we just await the fireworks, which I expect to be rife locally this year as the large fireworks shows were covid19-cancelled.

Alas, a day off from day!job did not translate into sleeping late or relaxing. I woke up early with a headache which is really a continuation of yesterday’s headache, and I’m pretty sure it is all stress related. We all know why.

Keely is not feeling well, either. I dropped some potato chips last night which she snarfed up like the doggo thief she is, and I suspect that has roiled her tummy. Our first walk was our usual one around Lake Ella, and it seemed uneventful, but she refused to eat when we got home and went to crash out on my bed.

Dog! Not! Eating!!!! *alert*alert*alert*

A couple hours later, whilst I was lounging back in bed myself (seemed like a good idea?) she got up and uncharacteristically asked to go out. She doesn’t often, surprisingly, as she’s used to and comfortable with our schedule. I took this to mean things were urgent so got dressed again and out we went.

Which is how I got to take this interesting photo from the corner of 3rd and Monroe, in the old (and long empty, now) Masa restaurant location. A political statement? A lost toy? I have no idea!

Keely peed only a little and tried to eat some grass but otherwise seemed fine and finally ate her breakfast when we got home again. I’m keeping an eye on her. As she inexorably ages, every day I have with her is precious.