dawn at Lake Ella

8/8/2022 – Monday

Switching things up a bit, and writing this as I drink my morning caffeine.

(Why “caffeine” and not coffee or tea? Because some days I drink tea, and some days I drink coffee! Like a REBEL!!!!!)

I had a hard time falling asleep last night, but judicious application of melatonin got me knocked out eventually. Alas, the drawback is that if I take that much melatonin I am draggy in the morning, so we did not get out for our walk until 7:00 am. Fortunately, sunrise is now happening after 7:00 am so it was still somewhat pleasant out…well aside from the 96% humidity.

I decided to try out the panorama feature on my phone, nothing sophisticated, but it does capture the whole of Lake Ella as we walk around it; this is from the southern side, with dawn off to the right (east). For a filthy little retention pond it’s definitely picturesque!

Lake Ella

My weekend was uncharacteristically social for me, and that’s weird. I’m still being cautious with masking, but hell, no one else is, and there is no point in having a closed “circle” if everyone in that circle is traveling around everywhere without a mask. So far most of us have been lucky and I hope it stays that way.

Oh, 2022…what a time to be alive. I guess. 😛