dawn at Lake Ella

4/2/2020 – Thursday

Another cool morning, another quiet walk around the pond. I think I am starting to settle into this new reality we find ourselves afflicted with, despite the uncertainty and the dreadful news coming in from all quarters.

[doggo don’t care, she’s just opposed to being photographed!]

Even people who crave adventure do not appreciate all encompassing uncertainty, I think, and most of us (who aren’t on the front lines, or in hospital) are feeling helpless to varying degrees as “emergency” adjusts to “banality” in our every day lives.

Last night I talked to friends over zoom about how much change affects our mental health — even things we do not like become cornerstones of stability for us, and losing those elements feels like reality tumbling down. The unknown world, the unconstrained life, is unsettling.

Perhaps it is why I take comfort in the dog walks we go on, and keep to familiar paths. I’m awkwardly working from home, the economy is in shambles, politics are terrifying, and people are dying but here, in the pre-dawn darkness lit by the familiar lamp lights and business signs of human habitat, there is comfort in repetition.

I did realize that soon it will be a year since Keely’s health emergency, and so far she’s doing well. I think for a while I won’t ask for more grace than that.