dawn at Lake Ella

6/29/2020 – Monday

Another hot and humid morning here in North Florida. We got out right before dawn, so I had to soak myself in bug spray — the mosquitoes are back in force, and very distracting. Given that our walks are generally 1) in Florida and 2) near a body of water it becomes very necessary to spray myself down before heading out.

I cannot escape the feeling of being on a precipice, even during walks that are calm and measured around a park that lies quiet under a bright, slow dawn. The covid19 situation seems grim in this state, with case numbers off the charts (literally) but we don’t (can’t) know hospitalization rates and at this time death rates are still steady (as opposed to rising). I hate the lack of information (thanks to our corrupt governor trying to hide the true numbers as a political trick) and while I am not scared for myself I harbor no optimism about the impact this will all have on our economy, society, and future.

The good news is that as of Friday, I was clear of covid19 myself. FSU set up testing for a few days for staff, so I got tested Friday morning. It was a nasal swab test but not invasive or uncomfortable at all…anyway I’m a woman, I’m used to invasive testing, to be honest. Anyone who complains really should have it pointed out that they aren’t using a speculum.

Anyway, these are the trends of my thoughts these days, swinging back and forth between rage and hopelessness. As goes the country, I suppose?

At least Keely is above it all. She was slow going, but there were a lot of branches down from the storms over the weekend so she had a lot to investigate. Also, it was hot, so who wants to jog? (The crossfit groupies, that’s who.)

I think Keely is part cat. She begs to go out and walk, then when outside realizes how miserably hot it is and wants to go back in!