I don’t know how I get EVERY day of the week wrong, but I do — I would have sworn to you this morning that today is Thursday.
It is not.
In any case I still had to get up and get out the door to go into my actual office, for no real valid reason than upper management wants to pretend the world is doing just normal. *squints* Yeah I got nothin’ on that, truly.
This photo, though, is from last night and I thought looked very painterly.
It’s on 5th Ave. facing west toward Monroe Street, and we were in the Wells Fargo parking lot. This is not a route I take often in the evenings after work, but Keely was particularly adamant about it.
(Part of her joy came from wallowing on the sidewalk where someone had dumped a bunch of chalk for no reason I could tell. While I chatted with my friend Cornelia, who is painting a fantastic mural inside the Midtown Red Eye Coffee, Keely frolicked in the chalk until she was a dusty and very dirty gray.
The real fun came later as we walked down Monroe and passed the seafood place (Wild Cajun? I think?) and she grabbed a shrimp someone had thrown into the bushes next to the sidewalk. It was quite the wrestling match as I stuck my hand down her gullet to yank the nastiness away from her.
I made her life infinitely worse when we got home (and after I washed my hands, ewwwww) and spent 20 minutes brushing her out.
Of course by this morning all was forgiven, and we enjoyed a quiet walk as usual.
I think if there is lesson here, it’s beware of a dog with an agenda.)
Anyway, I wanted to share the photo because it’s another instance of a perspective you would never see driving around. Walking does create a unique intimacy with your surroundings that harks back to our primal past, in that I believe it creates a sense of belonging — a certain possessiveness, to my mind — of the immediate world around us.
The irony of familiarity is that it breeds both contentment and contempt.