I’m starting to wonder if my new sneakers are giving me tendonitis in my right foot; I’m wearing a compression brace when we go for walks but when I get home it seems worse? And it’s not a problem I was having until recently? Time to try out other shoes for a while, I guess. :/
Anyway, spring is definitely fully engaged at Lake Ella, every five feet I saw scenes like this:
So many ducklings! One thing I’ve always marveled at is how well the ducks hide their nests, I never see them actually roosting on their eggs. They all wander around aimlessly and then suddenly appear with ducklings!!! Unfortunately there were also a lot more goslings, and the Canada Geese were on Full Hissing Alert, causing Keely to scuttle away from them as much as possible (smart girl).
In Keely news, her bloodwork and her thyroid numbers all came back in the healthy range! Yay! So now it’s just the chronic UTI issue. I’m taking her in this morning for them to check her urine. She’s been taking her meds so I hope we’ve got it cleared up. My goal is to keep her alive and happy for as long as possible.
Also, I got her DNA results back, and turns out, yep, she’s predominantly schnauzer! There are a few random other breeds there (chihuahua????) but that’s her primary breed. Mostly I wanted to know so that in the future, I know what breed to look for, because I really love her looks and personality. 😍