Out at around 6:30 am, and went for a long walk through Los Robles. Keely had to be coaxed the whole way but then when, an hour later, we got home she pulled on the leash to keep walking. DOG! Make up your MIND!
Still futzing around with the camera, here we go, two types of modern trees:
I’m admittedly fascinated by the police head quarter’s radio tower, which is basically a Big Metal Stick in the ground so who knows why I keep trying to take “edgy” photos of it. Honestly though taking photos of it makes me want to learn how to paint…I keep going deeper down this hole! LOL!
I was looking at my schedule and realized that I sat down at my desk at 8:45 am and promptly “lost” an hour to twitter. :/ I’m going to have to go on a socmed diet, I think, because I have TOO MUCH to do and while I have a lot of time to do it, I have a limited amount of brain power/energy. I also need to find better ways to take breaks — dance? Meditate? Lay down on the floor and daydream? — because almost anything would be better than sinking into a socmed pit of despair.