Keely’s Way is back to normal! Almost! Kinda-sorta!

Still here!
It’s been a wild six weeks. Not all of it is bad, and in fact some of it is great, but altogether it has been exhausting. In chronological order starting from the first week of September:
Start new job!!!! YAY! Bills are getting paid! Part time, but still required a bit of adjusting to the new schedule. What is a time card, again?
Got vaxxed! Acquired COVID booster ($$$) and flu ($) shots, which knocked me down with brain fog and exhaustion for about 3-5 days.
At which point, Hurricane Helene was forming and looking to make a direct hit on my house in Tallahassee, FL. Cue a week+ of hurricane PTSD. I did not cope well, friends.
Helene kept me up all night but left Tallahassee unmolested even as she ravaged Georgia and North Carolina. Meanwhile, I caught a bad head cold and missed Rosh Hashana services.
Hurricane Milton formed while I was still wallowing in phlegmy misery, and while Tally was never in the cross hairs, a monster storm like that affects everybody. The whole city was out of gas due to evacuations, and I have many good friends and fellow New College alumni who live in Sarasota/Tampa-St. Pete. It was a worrisome time.
Meanwhile, the presidential election creeps ever closer and the right-wingnuts have gone full-unhinged and everyone I know is maxxed out on anxiety.
And, sadly, I have not put up any Halloween decorations yet. TRAGEDY!!!!
Looking at that list, all I can say is, “That’ll do, Pig. That’ll do.”

Over a year ago, I started talking about “serials” as a unique form of storytelling — an ancient one, but one that the internet is primed to support and nurture. This realization was a key component of my decision to revitalize my languishing career as a fiction author, and led to the start of serializing my own, original stories online (to be honest, I had been serializing stories online for years, but only in the fanfiction realm!). Here is one of my original posts delving into the question of what, exactly, a serial is!
It’s a Keely-Boo World
The cooler weather is here (AT DAMN LAST OMG!!!!) and so Keely is now enjoying lounging by the open door in her comfy bed, watching the world go by.
To be honest, it’s hard not to focus on all the gray hair…my baby is gettin’ old!!!! 😭

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