I had high hopes at the start of 2013, most of which consisted of "this is not going to be a replay of 2012 or someone who is not me is going to get hurt." So far, so good! 😀 To be more serious, it is true that 2013 has not been all manna from heaven. My January rent...
Life and all ThatPosts
MLK day…the difference a year makes.
On January 17th, 2012, I woke up, rolled out of bed and fell down.
But clearly the solution is just the opposite: embrace who I am, celebrate my inappropriate personality, and create my own place to belong.
2013: The Vision Thing
I’m working on that thing that everyone tells you to do, but you never actually do: a vision statement. Really, you can’t trip over a self-help, motivational or business advice book without being told to write a personal vision statement. I’ve generally resisted, not...
Resolutions, Goals, and a PLAN
For me, 2013 has three general goals: good health, financial prosperity, and job independence.
Looking back, looking forward
If you read this blog at all, you see that I haven’t updated in a while. Let’s talk about that.
Claude Pepper is on Facebook!
This week marked a huge milestone for the Claude Pepper Library where I work as an archivist: we got a Facebook page! I'm sure you're impressed. *waits* No really, you are impressed, right? I know, a Facebook page is something everyone an their dog/cat/racoon got last...
Social media is just a pain sometimes
We love it, or I know I love it, with my twitter and facebook and foursquare and dreamwidth and RSS reader being 24/7 tabs on my browsers. Those are my lifelines, as I am a single woman in a small town swamped by jobs and gradschool. But lately I have been cursing...
30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
I’m not going to list them here, because another blog did such a good job.