I think of menopause as the re-entry to fearlessness
Life and all ThatPosts
Freedom is a Word
Disclaimer: This is an essay about the emotional state of freedom as a mindset, but I do not buy into the belief that we create our entire reality — we live in a world with other people, with politics, with wars, with disease. Externally, we are all restricted at some...
In retrospect, I realize that I should have followed my instincts with WoHH. It’s a fine book as it is, a fun paranormal M/M/F romp with love, magic, and mystery. I’m proud of it! But what could it have been?
And now for a brand new year…
I realize all the cool kid eschew New Year's resolutions, with a given value for 'cool kids' being my group of friends plus assorted publications and other 'online influencers', but I digress. I get it. We have all been making New Year's resolutions since we were kids...
Dog Attack 2k18 *sad face*
By the time I realized it was an attack, the pitty had a solid grip on Keely’s neck.
New “Going on 50” podcast is up!
Here you go! All about...ice cream for dinner, and what it means to "grow up"! Hint: lots of therapy is involved. 😉
Going on 50 podcast update!
When I went back and checked, I was surprised to see that it has been over a year since I updated Going on 50. Well, maybe not too surprised...as I talk about in the podcast, this past year was not a creatively productive one for me, consisting mostly of stalled...
Finding Myself
[the following originated as a facebook post; I have expanded on it extensively here so it's not the same text, but incorporates it and delves deeper into the idea.] I am so weary of cynicism. I get that it is my default, along with sarcasm, as a response to difficult...
bad years are like controlled burns*
Today is the last day of 2017. There is a lot that history will say about 2017, with many unkind but highly accurate words. I think most of us have already been using those words, often laced with profanity. But this is essay is a personal reflection and, critically,...