I am a skeptic and a secular Jew, but I absolutely love things like tarot cards and astrology. A good friend recently described these kinds of interests as a form of pattern-matching, looking for meaning in everyday things and applying them to understanding our own...
2/10/2022 – Thursday
Another pseudo-Friday for me! Whew. I'm ready for it. Work has not been challenging but it was a stressful week, as another person in our office just resigned. Her last day is actually going to be before mine! Everyone is in a very low-key uproar and I'm over it. But!...
Distinctively Mundane (aka Mary Beard, style icon)
I was futzing around online the other day and watched a video on ancient Rome by Mary Beard. It was, as most of her shows are, very enjoyable. Her love for the topic shines, and she’s as delighted as a child with candy when she can hold an ancient artifact or walk...
Correct vs. Perfect
I am often hamstrung by a trait that looks like perfectionism, and might be considered a cousin of it: correctionism. (I made that word up, FYI. It’s not perfect! But it will have to do!)
Legacy Pt. 2
I’ve survived longer than my mother’s whole, entire, bookended lifespan.
Throwing Beauty Away
"Being attractive to men comes with an entire host of social and sexual pressure that I just am not looking to invite." The above quote is from a friend's FB post, I think — I saved the snippet without attribution (bad writer! bad!) and so here it is. I pulled it...
Tragedy and the Making of Legends
I am very legitimately worried that I cannot write legendary stories without a willingness to kill off characters I treasure.
Freedom is a Word
Disclaimer: This is an essay about the emotional state of freedom as a mindset, but I do not buy into the belief that we create our entire reality — we live in a world with other people, with politics, with wars, with disease. Externally, we are all restricted at some...
Publicity, Persona, and Identity
Everybody has an Internet persona. In fact, these days, it's more than common for most people to have multiple Internet personas, only one of which might be called “real”. People create identities that are specific to platforms or their interests, and we barely even...