dawn at Lake Ella

Circa 2024 – What a YEAR!

It is Sept. 12, 2024, and it’s been over a whole damn year since I updated this blog.Wow.

If you’ve only been following me here, you might think I just disappeared. I have not! I’ve actually been busy as hell. What have I been up to? Writing! So much writing, friends, so much:

Along with that, I re-wrote and re-launched the Dragon’s Grail serial, started a few other stories, and continue to work occasionally as a productivity coach for authors.

Unfortunately, none of that paid the bills, and I ended up doing a gofundme earlier this year. I honestly thought I would be homeless by February, but sales and friends have kept me afloat. This month I start a new part-time job with the Novo Collegian Alliance that will cover my bills while allowing me the freedom to work on my projects.

I know, you’re just here to hear about Keely. Well, she’s doing pretty good fora 17 year old doggo!

Keely looking at the camera, waiting for a treat

She’s a bit more gray around the muzzle, and sadly, we’ve entered her diaper era. She’s just old, y’all. But she’s still enjoying her treats and going for walks and occasionally deigning to pay attention to me. I couldn’t ask for more. 

So, you know where to find me. I think it might be another year before I update here again, so be sure to go visit one of my other platforms and follow me there!