Holistic Productivity – the Book!

by | Apr 3, 2024 | Life and all That

What’s next for your local Task Mistress…

Welcome to All the Tasks Fit to Print, my newsletter on all issues productivity-related for authors (and other solopreneurs)!

For nearly forty weeks now, I’ve been posting every Wednesday about productivity. That a little bit less than a whole year — the first “issue” of The Task Mistress went out on June 2nd!

*blinks in shock*

I don’t think too often about how the word count builds over time on projects like this. I am a productivity coach, so writing about productivity felt like part of the deal. I did not have any kind of goal such as “40 posts” or “40k words.” I planned to post weekly about productivity, and that’s what I did.

Admittedly, some of the content was repurposed from an older website, back when I was focused more on “trying to be a life coach” and less on “being a writer.”

When that focus irrevocably shifted in early 2023, I was left with some blog posts and a few ideas and an approach to productivity I did not want to completely abandon. After all, I still do productivity coaching! (Now, though, it is a component of my life as a writer, not something I do until I have time and money to write.)

That approach is what I call “holistic productivity.” It encompasses ideas I think have been missing, or only given lip service, from most discussions about productivity and task accomplishment. Namely, that our modern obsession with “jobs” and “inbox zero” and “hustle culture” is unhealthy and, just as importantly, unproductive in the long run.

I think I’ve done well in addressing these issues over the past year, honestly.

But everything has its season, and while I wrote the last few posts, I realized that it was time to both change focus a little and wrap up this project with bow.

Or, a book!

That’s right, I’m collecting all of these essays and turning them into a book!

Holistic Productivity: Essays on a New Vision for a Well Balanced Life will be released in June, 2024. Why June and not, say, tomorrow? Even with the bulk of the book already written (all those blog posts!) I still need to organize it, edit it, format it, and get a cover made, which means I need a bit of lead time.

I think this book will be a great match for my other productivity book, Rise to the Task: Master Holistic Productivity with Personal Projects Management. That is a very hands-on guide to using project management principles to create a well balanced life based on the principles of holistic productivity. This new book, on the other hand, is a more of a collection of advice, musings, and insights on the subject.

Coming soon!!!

Working cover design for book: Holistic Productivity

As “The Task Mistress,” I am a holistic productivity coach for creatives. Using my background as a project manager and all-round productivity nerd, I help creative entrepreneurs find holistic productivity so they can achieve all their goals, both personal and professional.