dawn at Lake Ella

Keely's Way: 1/6/2025

Back to the grind in 2025

Begin as You Mean to Continue

I’ve set up my five guideposts for the year (part of a process I outline in my book, Rise to the Task) and the projects that fall under them. It gives me a flexible structure to work with, like a bamboo frame, and helps me keep my goals in mind across multiple spheres such as my health, my mental health, my financial well-being, and my aspirations.

This year, 2025, is all about doubling down on what I know equals “success” for me across all those metrics: writing fiction.

I love it, and it loves me. Yet, I have repeatedly shoved it to the bottom because of the old insecurities and fears of my youth, which no amount of schedules on the calendar can fix. But this year, 2025, is all about “beginning as I mean to continue” which is WRITING.

Fear? Check. Insecurity? Check. Determination? Check! Ambition? CHECK! COURAGE? CHECK!!!!!


Weekly Roundup

Back in the saddle! Whoop!


Something even further back in time, when LLMs had just broken the geek-containment field and people were all agog…which they still are, to be honest. As with most of my discussions about A.I., this is not specifically pro or con; instead, I talk about something that happened in my (misspent!) youth that gives me insight in how these newer (but not unexpected) technologies will impact people like you and me.

It’s a Keely-Boo World

The news is not great, but also not terrible, in the world of Keely-Boo. She’s had a good month, but a few days ago blood showed up in her urine again. *sigh* Well, good news is that I already have a vet appointment on the books this week, as the vet wanted to bring her in for x-rays if the incontinence continued. Given that it never stopped, yeah, time for more tests.

Her health otherwise is good, with no indications of cancer or parasites or any of that kind of ugliness. Might be bladder stones, might be a bad diet.

Until we know for sure, here is a photo taken this past weekend of Keely out in the driveway sans diaper, wondering what I’m up to! (You’d never know that I brush her out almost every day! Damn shaggy fur! LOL!)

Thanks for reading Keely’s Way!

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