dawn at Lake Ella

Keely's Way: 10/21/2024

Finally emerging from the Month of Everything So Much

Reflecting on “A Year”

I feel like we have all been collectively cursed with the year-long equivalent of “I hope you have a day.” We have certainly had a year.

Or, you know, about five years. Eight? I’m loosing track.

Here in the the states, we’re bracing for Election Day on November 5th. Early voting has already started, but for me it is a time-honored tradition to go to the polls to vote. (For a long time I couldn’t, as my polling station was just awkwardly enough placed that I could not walk to it or even bus to it easily, so I often did early voting at a polling station near where I worked. Fortunately, it changed a few years ago and is now just a five minute walk from home.)

As things stand, everyone I know is on edge. We won’t know until we know on Nov. 6th and even then we’re expecting violence. Too many people have fallen down the Faux News cult hole and don’t respect other human beings, much less rule of law. I don’t think we’ll see big riots this time around, but small ones? Maybe.

What a year.

Weekly Roundup

I’m finally back on the writing wagon after the Month of Everything So Much!


Another look back to a year ago, when I was talking about the history text technology, ball point pens, cursive, and A.I.


Writing is being done! And not just on the fanfic Bastards of Yunmeng! I have not touched much of my fiction since I started my new job in early September, but I’m finally feeling my creative brain come back online after all the stress-stress-stress of, honestly, the past six months.

So, hopefully, the next update will have some real updates about writing!

It’s a Keely-Boo World

Keely joined me at Lucky Goat Coffee in Midtown this morning, and wondered where her blueberry muffin was???!? (She got a chew stick treat, don’t worry!)

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