dawn at Lake Ella

Keely's Way: 6/15/2024

Rain and sun and podcasts…

This was a busy week for me. I had several meetings on Monday and Tuesday, both online and in person, co-working with Gina on Wednesday, and then trying to catch up with everything on Thursday and Friday. [tiredsobbing.gif]

In the meantime, several podcast interviews happened, and one is already live! I really love the Writer’s Craft podcast, Valarie and Erick are delightful and always ask insightful questions!

Help Request Continues!

My GoFundMe campaign is ongoing! Please chip in if you can to help me stay housed and continue to grow my writing business!

If you would like to help more directly, here are wish lists for both me and Keely on ‘zon:

Other ways to help are to buy a subscription to this blog, buy my books, and/or subscribe to my fiction platform on Ream!


Fighting with internal conflict for my main character in Transmigrated Teri. This is my albatross: internal conflict. I’m really REALLY good at world building and external conflicts, which is why my stories are often described as “plotty.” Wolves of Harmony Heights is a great example of me successfully going off the chain with the plot, which is complex and multilayered. I had a blast figuring that plot out!

But internal conflict? UGH. It’s hilarious because I, personally, am filled with internal conflict 24/7/365! I know what it’s like to think one thing and say another! To know what I need to do then do something else completely! To lay awake at night thinking about should and would and could but then wake up and make the same damn mistakes all over again!

It’s not that I don’t want to put my characters through the wringer, emotionally, but that I have a hard time allowing my characters to be imperfect. I know, I know! Perfect characters are boring! The problem is that I feel bad for them. These are my precious babies! My creations! Why would I be so cruel as to give them anxiety and fear of abandonment and fear of commitment and an inability to trust the ones they want to love?!??!!? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????

…so yeah, that’s going super great. *cringes*

Keely & Co.

I think we’re on the cusp of claiming that Keely has recovered! She’s not suffering incontinence anymore, and both intake and elimination systems are functioning properly! Our biggest challenge is the summer heat, which she does not handle well with her dark coat and her 17 year-old organs. We go out for walks in the early morning and late evening, when at least we are not in direct sunlight even if the heat index is still in the high-90s°F range.

Here is Keely Boo looking eagerly at my hand holding a treat:

Thanks for reading Keely’s Way!

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