dawn at Lake Ella

Keely's Way: 6/24/2024

A disappeared week?

Looking back over last week I realized I did not post a damn thing on this blog. Which…honestly, the weekend of the 15th-16th was a low point for me, so I guess I should not be surprised that it bled out into the following week. Huh.

Yet, some things did get shoved out the door! So, this update is late but brimming with news. Don’t forget to scroll down for the latest Keely photo op!


  • Grieving Futures continues on Patience & Fortitude with the chapter “Aftermath: Recuperation.” This is nearing the end of the book! After it’s wrapped up I will focus on doing a couple of essays a month on the site, but I don’t have firm plans. Open to suggestions!

  • My almost-daily series of #CoffeeWithKimBoo short vids continues on YouTube and Instagram! Start your day with me!

  • Another episode of the Around the Writer’s Table podcast dropped! Check out Episode 43: Navigating the Stages of Creative Mastery. It’s on all major podcast apps and also on YouTube!

  • AND another episode of the Author Alchemist, my solo podcast, also dropped! Check out Ep. 51: The Only Path to Mastery (spoiler: it’s doing the work! Oh no!). I discuss the importance of having a goal of “1 million words” and talk a little about the discord community I run based on that philosophy! (If you don’t want to watch on YT it’s also on all the major podcasting apps!)

Help Request Continues!

My GoFundMe campaign is ongoing! Please chip in if you can to help me stay housed and continue to grow my writing business!

If you would like to help more directly, here are wish lists for both me and Keely on ‘zon:

Other ways to help are to buy a subscription to this blog, buy my books, and/or subscribe to my fiction platform on Ream!


Pulling out of a depression weekend meant that my creative reserves were run dry. I was talking to a friend this morning about how frustrating it is to want to write something and simply be unable to do so. Really it’s the worst.

But eventually I was able to crack open scrivener and poke around at both Transmigrated Teri and Food Trucks of the Zombie Apocalypse. Did I do a lot of writing? Not really. What I did do, though, was some reverse outlining.

If you don’t know, reverse outlining is where you go back through what you have written and create an outline from it. While I consider myself a die-hard pantser (discovery writer) this stage of outlining is crucial since it helps me create a mental picture of where the story is as a whole. Trust me, the longer and more complex a story gets, the easier it is to forget the name of the hero’s third cousin twice removed, much less crucial plot points and elements of foreshadowing you dropped into the manuscript 50k words ago…

It’s a Keely-Boo World

Keely continues to maintain her health! YAY!

She, like me, is not a fan of the hot weather — and by hot, I mean “outrageously boiling.” As I write this the temp is 95°F with a heat index of 105°F! Humidity is only 51% but I’ve set the A/C at 80°F for reduced costs and strains on the grid. It sucks, y’all.

Here she is lying on my her bed, looking displeased about the temperature. Not shown: the desk fan blowing on her, and the cooling gel pad she is lying on. 😩

Thanks for reading Keely’s Way!

Please subscribe to have this dumped in your inbox every week, and also check out my website where you can find all my books, my ongoing serial stories, and information about the 1 Million Words Club membership community for writers!