Part two of my backstory as a productivity coach is more about it all falling apart than pulling it together…
Life and all ThatPosts
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43. To Catch Her King
A queen appears…
Extraordinarily Ordinary, pt. 1
Being a productivity coach isn’t quite as sexy as it sounds, but I come by it honestly! This is part one of my backstory….
42. Bloody and Ruthless
Agadart has never felt more helpless in her life…
Writing for the Long Haul
The secret to getting into the mindset for writing an ongoing serial!
Get off the Assembly Line
It’s time we start building lives filled with significance, purpose, and humanity
41. Fly Safe
Mani watches while the dragons of war are called to fight…
Discovery Writing for All! (even planners!)
“Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way.” ~ Ray Bradbury
The Death of Hustle
Time to stop making widgets and get your hands all over everything instead