dawn at Lake Ella

10/30/2022 – Sunday

Woke up early so it was still dark when we headed out just after 7:00 am, which I LOVE. I adore the long nights and short days. I’m such a winter girl at heart!

There is a bit of a cloud layer in the area which started  yesterday and is making the morning very gray and damp (94% humidity!!!!)…yet, no rain. Not today, and not anytime soon according to the weather apps. I’ve started following weather analyst Ryan Hall on YT, and his scope is national not regional which he uses to look at, literally, the big picture: what’s happening where, why, and when. At this point he’s expecting my area of the states to be “nice” (aka dry, no storms) through most of November. Meaning: we’re still drying out just like the Mississippi River. 😬

However the clouds mate things pretty atmosphere and really set off the nice, bright new sign at VeneBites!

venebites new sign

At home, I’m still busy packing — can’t say I know why just that 2023 will be bringing a lot of change into my life!

In other news I’m punching at the idea of writing fanfiction again, which I have not in over a year now. It’s my fun hobby, the thing I do to relax and enjoy myself, and I have not felt up for it for a long time. It’s the first step back to writing original fiction, too. I think maybe I just put too much performance pressure on myself and forgot how much pleasure I get from unconstrained writing and how rewarding it is.