dawn at Lake Ella

3/9 – Thursday

The amaryllis are back, baby!

bright red amaryllis blooms

They bloom for such a short time, and only once a year, so I have to enjoy them when they get here.

They represent an early spring, and one that will not last. Cooler weather is on the way again, tricking all of nature with the splash of warm weather that has been hanging around for a couple of weeks now. Just more of the wild upset weather calamity we are living through, I suppose. Mother nature: charmingly brutal.

In other news, I’m working hard on some new developments for both of my careers, which FYI are 1. Author and 2. Productivity Coach. It really is true that when you start working for yourself, you work harder than ever…but the other truth is that it is infinitely more fulfilling. Don’t worry, I’ll be keeping y’all posted!